Banu Sulaym

Banu Sulaym

An Arab tribe that lived in Hejaz and Nejd in the rise of Islam, it will settle North Africa along with Banu Hilal in the 11th century.


Banu Sulaym trace their origin to Qais 'Ailan bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma'ad bin Adnan. They lived in Hijaz with the other Qaisi tribes; Banu Huwazin, Banu Ghatafan they remained in the Eastern part of Hijaz until the 7th century. Then they first fought the Ansar and Qureish Muslims (battle of the trench), then converted to Islam.Included in the muslim army, they defeated the bani Hilal and the Hawazin tribes in the Battle of Hunayn.

Banu Sulaym in North Africa

The Beni Sulaym were an Arabian tribe that migrated to North Africa from Nejd and Hejaz via Egypt following the trails of the Beni Hilal 1049. Their influx was a major factor in the linguistic and cultural Arabization of the Maghreb, and in the spread of nomadism in areas where agriculture had previously been dominant.

The Banu Sulaym were composed of four main groups—the Banu Hebib, the 'Awf, the Debbab, and the Zegb. The Hebib settled in Cyrenaica, while the others went into Tripolitania. After the establishment of tribal groups, Libya underwent a period of disorder and tribal feuding, which was augmented by the incursion of other Arab adventurers from Egypt. Toward the close of the period of anarchy, the Debbab group took control of much of Tripolitania.

See also

* Beni Hilal
* Maqil
* Beni Hassan


* Aymn Almsaodi, The Desert Race P 108.

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